Monday, December 13, 2010


I'm reading through an article I received through Yoga Journal about detachment. While the article's email was talking about in relation to the holiday season I'm finding that it's something I really want to cultivate in my life right now. Not the first time I've decided this, but hopefully this will be that "third time's a charm" moment.

I find myself very dissatisfied with a lot of things going on in my life right now and find it increasingly difficult to remain positive about any of it. While I know that feelings of gloom and resentment only doom me to feeling more of the same, I find the slope sticky and slippery to climb out of the "hole" that it's creating. I try to talk about it, but generally all that does is make me angrier, it doesn't really work through the feelings or get to the bottom of them - it just puts the energy out there even more.

I don't want to be unhappy or nitpick everything in my life into oblivion, but I don't know what else to do to solve it...back to reading the article.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Falling For...?

I've been doing a lot of thinking and I find that frequently I settle for things and am not happy in my romantic relationships and yet I am unsure why. Some deliberation has caused me to suspect that it centers partially around my expectations. That I have perhaps created some "ideal" as to what I want that is incongruent with my reality. Eg. Falling for a literal "dark knight to steal me away" when there are none in this time period.

Where I've gotten these constructs from, and why I have held onto them when I live in a place and time that doesn't support them I don't understand. I really wish I knew...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Thankful - Joyful - Grateful

This season is full of so much sorrow for me, bad memories and unpleasantries that I do not wish to remember or face. However, I am not the only one who feels this way as I know many are stressed and feel bogged down around the holiday season - a time that should be full of laughter, joy, and celebration but often is full of stress, dampening down any real joy we feel in this day and age.

Starting with Thanksgiving and sales for Christmas leads to hectic times as families and individuals rush to get ready and do last minute things for the season. Rarely do we take the time to reflect and introspect (what Winter is about), or take a moment away from the hustle and bustle to really be thankful (any holiday's message) for our experiences and what we do have.

Time here and there someone will become reflective about the season, though it's not a guarantee to stay in their mind year to year as so many people are "out of sync" with the changes we go through and the true meaning of these cycles.

So today I'm taking some time to think about my life and what there is to be thankful and joyful for - for without celebrating, appreciating, and acknowledging that which we have, why should expect to receive more?

Things I am Thankful/Joyful/Grateful for...
  • a healthy baby
  • a place to stay
  • food in my pantry & fridge
  • caring friends I can trust
  • a loving partner who is willing to dote on me
  • safety
  • opportunities to succeed
  • lessons that lead to growth
I was urged to start this private blog by a friend and fellow healer and though I have severely slacked off on keeping it up, it's still going and I'm grateful for that!