Friday, September 10, 2010


It's been awhile, but part of what brings me to write today is the finding of a praying mantis in my kitchen sink. With all of the change and tumult it seemed to me an important sign worth looking into and lo and behold I was right. The Praying Mantis speaks about stillness and silence, with all the change I take it that this is meant to point to what I need to be doing right now and how to proceed forward and through these issues. Talking has not been helping. Words have been misconstrued, arguments have ensued on a constant basis and many a harsh word have been exchanged. So perhaps it is really time to step back and away from the situation to gain better perspective and to really sit with the problem(s) and work through them slowly and carefully instead of rushing into them and just stirring up more problems.

It is evident by my health that I have been putting way too much stress on my body, but it comes time to realize what this is doing and the toll it takes and what it means. It makes me think that I ought to walk the path of "Death" and clear out/harvest away those things from my life that I no longer need or want.

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